Integrated tourism service: “Congress tourism”

Congress tourism is most often defined as a tourist service, the implementation of which combines the useful – the need to hold a business meeting and the pleasant – the opportunity to diversify the working rhythm with pleasant activities after the end of the work. Convention tourism is the intersection of the entertainment industry with business and serious forms of communication. It includes participation in various business events (congresses, conferences, seminars, symposia, assemblies, business meetings, training and incentive events, etc.), as well as the entire system of providing transport, accommodation, on-site organization and accompanying program for convention tourists.
On a global scale, convention tourism is an extremely lucrative segment of the tourism sector, the supply of which is not limited by taking place in the active tourist season. The successful development of congress tourism requires the availability of high-quality services that meet the needs of conference participants and organizers, therefore they should be provided with all the necessary prerequisites for quality work, as well as interesting, fun and pleasant ways to spend their free time . In this regard, the main role of convention tourism is to promote local tourism with a well-organized system of promotional activities, continuing education, personnel, market research, implementation of quality standards, etc.
Congress tourism, as well as all integrated tourism products, services and programs developed within the project and offered by the Ports of Time Archeological Park Museum are very important for the future development of tourism in the cross-border area of Nikopol – Turnu Magurele, especially when it comes to for large corporate gatherings that contribute to sustainable economic growth, inclusive employment and the realization of sustainable development goals for local communities.
According to leading European studies on the subject, the main factors that influence the successful development of congress tourism and its transformation into a sustainable segment of the tourist offer are present in the cross-border area of the city of Nikopol and the city of Turnu Magurele and are the following:

1) Offering suitable infrastructure and high-quality conditions for holding congresses, conferences and events.
The archaeological park-museum “Ports of Time” in the city of Nikopol has a newly built conference hall for 50 people, which is equipped with high-tech facilities (multimedia, sound, translation, high-speed Internet, etc.) necessary for holding business events. The conference hall offers the opportunity to hold business events away from the hustle and bustle of the city, while providing all the necessary amenities for visitors.
The cross-border region offers a wide selection of traditional Bulgarian and Romanian restaurants to ensure quality catering for organized events.
Accommodation for visitors could range from accommodation in authentic local houses from the so-called “village tourism” to hotels with a spa area and the opportunity to relax.
2) Offering an attractive and interesting tourist program;
After the completion of the work program, visitors can benefit from the developed integrated tourism products and services as follows:

  • To embark on an exploration of the “Bridges of Time” destination, including visits to the “Bridges of Time” Archeological Park Museum, Rock Church “St. Stefan” in the town of Nikopol and fortress “Turnu”, next to the town of Turnu Magurele.
  • To actively immerse themselves in past historical eras by participating in the various programs offered in the park-museum: “Prehistoric era stone and clay processing”; “Stone Age Hunting and Fishing Skills”; “Thracian Culture & Religion”; “Roman Empire Military Skills & Tactics”; “Medieval Cuisine and Wine Tasting”.
  • To take advantage of the offered opportunities for practicing cultural, eco, water and river tourism, hunting and fishing in the cross-border area.
    3) Cooperation between public administration, public and private sector stakeholders and exchange of information. The active participation of each of the parties, including local communities, businesses and event organizers, in the ecosystem of local tourism, in the development of integrated tourism products, services and programs, has proven the will to work together in favor of the development of sustainable cross-border tourism region.
    4) Advertising and marketing: Within the framework of the project, a large-scale marketing campaign was carried out to promote the cross-border region as an attractive tourist destination, including for congress tourism.
    5) Capacity development: park-museum staff have undergone special trainings with a focus on sustainable practices and customer service.
    6) Encouraging innovation: The Ports of Time Archaeological Park Museum is the first site of its kind in Bulgaria, providing opportunities to be transported to past historical eras through interactive inclusion in activities typical of the respective era and, at the same time, opportunities for interactive learning of students and students, as well as conducting conferences, congresses and business events. This innovative solution aims to contribute to the creation of a sustainable and competitive tourism product.
    7) Advocacy for equality and inclusion: The tourism product ensures full gender equality, social inclusion and accessibility in convention tourism, ensuring equal access for all participants.
    8) Ecological focus: The construction and management of the Archaeological Park Museum is based on sustainable practices, including ecological management and responsible tourism promotion.

The successful development of convention tourism in the cross-border area will benefit both local and regional economies. Convention tourists spend lavishly on accommodation, food, transportation and other services, which directly boosts the local economy. Hosting such events creates job opportunities, and organizers often favor local vendors, encouraging the growth of local businesses. It can also lead to the creation of new businesses that cater to the needs of convention tourists, such as boutique hotels and restaurants. Investments in transport infrastructure improve mobility for both local residents and tourists.
In summary, convention tourism has the potential to provide a wide range of economic, cultural and social benefits to the community, promoting sustainable growth and local engagement in the Nikopol – Turnu Magurele cross-border area.